PATH2LC Project has started !
3 mai 2021 - Publications

5 networks from 5 EU countries accompanied by scientific and dissemination partners


The project has started


In September 2020, the PATH2LC project was launched and all project partners, including the project officer from CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency-CINEA), got in touch during the kick-off meeting in October 2020. The kick-off was an online meeting due to COVID19 restrictions. Nevertheless, there was an atmosphere of starting something new together with motivated people. Breakout groups facilitated a lively discussion to outline expectations, needs and success factors of the project.











As the networks participating in the PATH2LC project were already established, the add-on of the project is the “learning municipality network” approach: a very close cooperation in the form of regular, well organised and moderated meetings including expert input and peer-to-peer learning. With this project, we want to provide decision makers and administrative staff of municipalities with the necessary skills to implement energy-saving or climate protection measures on a personal and group level.

Scientific partners accompany the local networks with expert input to the network meetings, conducting SECAP analysis, evaluation, and monitoring. In addition, scientific papers will give an insight into the project results.

Dissemination activities at local, national and EU level will ensure that the results of the PATH2LC project are taken up by the relevant target groups and that the expected impact is maximised.