
ManagEnergy is a European Commission initiative dedicated to regional and local energy agencies with the objectives of assisting them in becoming leaders in the energy transition and of increasing sustainable energy investments in regions and cities.

ManagEnergy is a European Commission initiative dedicated to regional and local energy agencies with the objectives of assisting them in becoming leaders in the energy transition and of increasing sustainable energy investments in regions and cities. The ManagEnergy initiative is based on the idea that more energy efficiency and renewable energy investments are needed at the regional/local level in Europe. Therefore, it provides information, know-how, visibility and networking opportunities and supports local and regional energy agencies in delivering new services or boosting existing ones. Through their role of project developers, aggregators and facilitators for public authorities, Energy agencies are in a unique position to support the energy transition in their regions and cities. This places them at the forefront of energy investments in Europe. The work programme for the 2017-2020 period has a strong focus on sustainable energy investments. A completely new website, social media presence and communication tools inform sustainable energy actors on the most recent developments in the area of energy efficiency policies and financing opportunities. Master classes (held in Brussels), expert missions (hosted by energy agencies) and Networking events in Brussels will raise the skills of local and regional energy agencies in energy efficiency, financing and project development. The initiative was first launched by the European Commission in 2002 to support local and regional energy agencies, many of which have been created thanks to the support of the Intelligent Energy Europe programme. Since its launch, a series of contracts with different services providers has been used to support the implementation of the initiative. Between 2001 and 2015, ManagEnergy organised 45 capacity building workshops in different Member States and 33 networking events.